What Are The Best Detox Drinks For A Drug Test
There are four safe ways to pass a urine drug test: synthetic urine, detox pills, natural detox, and detox drinks. I would say synthetic urine is your absolute best bet unless the test is supervised. You can still try to use fake pee, but I would not recommend it. It’s too risky, and there are other ways to pass a urine test without taking so much risk and investing too much money. If you don’t want to suffer for a week to detox your system, then there’s only one method left, using a drug detox drink.
Where Not To Buy A Marijuana Detox Drink
First of all, marijuana detox drinks, THC detox drinks, cleansing drinks, and drug detox drinks are all the same. Detox drinks can not target specific drug metabolites because they work for all kind of drugs, so do not be confused if I call detox drinks different names.
People tend to think they can buy everything in big stores like Walmart and Walgreens, and unfortunately, it’s not true for marijuana detox products. Most of their products are complete crap; do not ever buy detox pills or cleansing drinks in Walmart as you will most likely fail your drug test. These detox drinks are marketed as “regular detox drinks” but Walmart cannot sell something that helps you to pass a drug test, as it’s illegal. So, you can get these drinks that won’t help you too much. They might contain some herbs and minerals that are good for your body, but your test will still come back positive, so mark my word, and stay away from these stores.
Low-Quality Brands That You Should Avoid
There are many very bad quality detox drinks on the market; these are just water with some added sugar and B12 vitamin. Do not rely on these detox solutions because you will fail, I can guarantee that. Some of the worst are Jazz total detox, Stinger, Qcarbo, Magnum Detox Instant Flush, Chump flush out and Total Eclipse detox. None of these work, I haven’t tried them all, but I know guys who have failed with these. From the list, Qcarbo is the best, if you cannot find anything else, go with Qcarbo, but take the bigger 32Oz version.
But if you are prepared and purchase your detox drink in time, there is no way that you couldn’t buy something of much higher quality for the same amount of money. Keep in mind that shipping also takes 1-2 days, so if you know a drug test is coming up, do not wait till the last day, order it a few weeks earlier, or even months earlier.
Do not worry, they are not going to expire that fast. If drug testing is common at your workplace, or you are going to apply for several jobs, I advise you to order 3-4 detox drinks at once. If you buy more, you usually get some discount, buy 3 get 1 free stuff and you don’t have to worry about drug tests later.
Best Detox Drinks For A Drug Test
I have mentioned where not to buy drug detox drinks and also mentioned the worst detox drink brands on the market. Now it’s time to recommend a few kick-ass detox drinks that will pass all kind of drug tests. I think it’s pretty obvious, but just in case you did not know: detox drinks do not detox you! It’s only a temporary solution. Drink the detox solution and your pee will be free of toxins for 4-5 hours, that’s it. After that period of time, you will be dirty again, so keep this in mind. If you would like to get clean permanently, you should use detox pills.
The absolute best and strongest detox drink on the market called: Herbal Clean Ultra Eliminex. This detox drink is recommended for very heavy smokers and for those who are on the heavier side. It works the same way as every single detox drink. After you drink the solution, refill the bottle one more time and pee 2-3x before heading to the testing facility. If you did everything properly and you are not a chronic smoker, you will pass your test; it’s almost guaranteed.
You can buy Ultra Eliminex here.
Your second-best option is a detox drink called: Rescue Cleanse 32Oz. It’s manufactured by Clear Choice group. They are the makers of the best synthetic urine on the market called Sub Solution. Rescue Cleanse also works the same way as Ultra Eliminex. If you follow the instructions, you should be good. It’s recommended for moderate smokers and for those who are on the heavier side, but not regular smokers. You can buy Rescue Cleanse for $55 from TestNegative.
The third option is called Mega Clean from Detoxify. The difference between Rescue Cleanse and Mega Clean is that if you buy it from a specialist detox drink retailer, you will get some drug detox capsules. You should take these capsules one day before the test. These will eliminate as many toxins as possible in your system and, on the day of the test, Mega Clean will mask the rest more easily. A Mega Clean&Toxin Rid combo costs $69.
Whatever detox drink you choose, it’s highly recommended to do a natural detox a few days before the test and to stop smoking and using drugs immediately. It’s also recommended to use some pre-cleanse supplements such as Toxin Rid detox pills. Take these pills 1-3 days before the test, and you will have a much better chance to pass your drug test.