Top 4 Best Synthetic Urine Kits On The Market

There are many situations during which using synthetic urine for a drug test is the best choice, but there are some situations when I wouldn’t recommend it. These situations mostly occur during supervised drug tests.

Usually, if it’s a supervised drug test, then it’s because it’s for something more important. For instance, if you are applying for a job to the government or you are on probation. If it’s supervised, then the stakes are high, and you don’t want to get caught smuggling fake urine.

These situations, however, are very rare. So for the “normal” drug tests, the ones where you’re behind a screen or in a different room, I always suggest using high-quality synthetic urine for a drug test, because a good fake urine brand is basically undetectable. The only chance you got of getting caught is if you submit it outside the correct temperature range, and I’ll talk you a bit about keeping fake urine warm in a little while.

But if the test is supervised, that means someone is going to escort you to the testing room and stand behind you while you are peeing, then your options are more limited. In these situations, you can use synthetic urine belts such as the Incognito belt from Clear Choice, Monkey Dong from Serious Monkey Bizzness or the infamous Whizzinator.

But, to be honest, I wouldn’t suggest these synthetic urine belts as a great choice, because using them is way too risky. If you decide to get one,   then I would choose the incognito belt from Clear Choice. It comes with premixed urine, basically Quick Luck, their best quality synthetic urine, even better than Sub Solution.

Another alternative is the Whizzinator, which comes without synthetic urine, and it costs twice as much as other synthetic urine belts. However, it is a synthetic penis, a prosthetic, which does look realistic. This means if they catch sight of it, they might not spot it. However, that’s an incredibly high-risk strategy and you’re probably better off using a detox drink.

How To Use Synthetic Urine for a Random Drug Test

You can use synthetic urine for a random drug test without issues, but you must be prepared. There are annoying random drug screenings at many workplaces, and you can also be tested if you cause an accident, basically sent off to submit a sample almost straight away.

For those scenarios, it’s a good idea to keep a bottle of synthetic urine in your locker.

Again, I suggest you use Sub Solution or Quick Luck synthetic urine, not only because these are the best and most complex synthetic urine brands, but because they come with heat activator powder, rather than the more unreliable and slower heatpads. If it’s a random test, you won’t have time to heat the urine in the microwave and try to figure out the correct temperature or use a heating pad. But with the heat activator powder the sample up to within the correct temperature range in as little as one minute.

Sub Solution or Quick Luck instructions are really easy:

Just add about 1/3 of the heat activator powder to the urine, shake it to dissolve the powder and it will reach the correct temperature within about 30 seconds. Seriously, it couldn’t be any easier.

Clear Choice also has a new product called the practice kit. It’s not dirt cheap, but a great way to practice how to heat urine at home. The kit comes with a vial of heat activator powder and a flask. You can use it a minimum of three times, and that should be enough to perfect your urine heating technique. You’ll also get a pair of high-quality heat pads, in case you want to use an alternate heating and maintenance method.

Random drug testing at work is just fucking stupid. I worked at a place that did randoms every month. Usually, 5 or 6 people would get called in and sent to the hospital to piss in a cup. All it did was cut down on the weed users and made undetectable shit like oxy and Vicodin and stuff that leaves your system quickly much more rampant. The place was full of oxy junkies and coke heads.


how to use synthetic urine

Using Fake Urine For A Pre-Employment Drug Test

Yes, you can use fake pee for a pre-employment drug test. These tests are not “serious” drug tests. It’s something that is required, but your future employer doesn’t want you to fail, it’s just something that must be done before hiring.

These urine screenings are always unsupervised, so you can take a bottle of synthetic urine in your underwear without getting noticed. I suggest you keep it in your underwear or bra if you are a female because the lab assistant might search your pockets.

You can also use an incognito belt or a urinator device. I wouldn’t recommend using something like the Whizzinator because it’s a little bit risky though, but as long as the test is unsupervised, you won’t need anything like that anyway. If the test is supervised then I would suggest a high-quality detox drink is the best avoidance strategy.

You can use Monkey Whizz synthetic urine, Quick fix, Sub Solution or Quick Luck as well. You will pass the test with these brands, but if you choose Quick Fix or Monkey Whizz, then make sure you heat it up to the correct temperature at home. Submitting a sample that is too cold, or too hot, is a surefire way to put yourself at risk and potentially fail the test.

how to use synthetic urine

How To Keep Fake Urine Warm For A Drug Test

So look, the only thing that you can alter is the temperature of the fake sample. As long as you choose one of the best brands of synthetic urine, so you don’t have to worry about it passing that scrutiny to see if it’s real, then the only real problem is submitting it within the right temperature range.

In fact, when it comes to fake samples, the number one reason why people complain, and then go on the Internet and pitch about, is because they submit it too cold, or very rarely, too hot.

That’s why I already use heat activator powder. That way you can literally stand outside the testing building and A bit in, get the temperature exactly right (as close to 100°F as possible without going over), and then you can tuck it in your underwear and have rock-solid knowledge you’ve got about 30 minutes to submit a valid sample.

If you buy Quick Luck, you could use a heat activator powder, and activate the heatpad is to make sure it’s going to stay warm.

How To Keep Fake Urine Warm For A Drug Test

Synthetic Urine Reviews: Brands You Should Avoid

One more thing I want to mention that’s really important is that there are loads of low-quality synthetic urine brands on the market, and they are the ones that are available basically in every single headshop.

Just because they are available everywhere and heavily marketed, doesn’t mean they are the best synthetic urine brands. Do not risk your job by purchasing something low-quality. What makes me angry is these low-quality brands are often recommended by the shop assistant. Obviously, he has no idea what is good and what is bad, but he still recommends some crap that won’t work.

The brands of fake urine I would always avoid are:

  • P-sure
  • Magnum
  • JetClean
  • Agent X synthetic urine
  • Xstream
  • U-Pass

These fake pee brands are basically available at every single headshop, and they are also available in gas stations and online stores. Some of these brands haven’t been updated for years, and they do not contain the necessary chemicals that are supposed to be in quality synthetic urine.

I am talking about creatinine, uric acid, and urea. The liquid should also be balanced for PH and specific gravity, and most importantly, they should NOT contain biocide.

Biocide is an artificial preservative. It’s using tons of stuff, but also in many brands of fake urine to stop it spoiling and lengthen the shelf life. It’s rumored that the big testing labs have realized this and now test for the presence of biocide. Think about it, if you find biocide, you know it’s fake, so they can rule out most fake urine samples using one simple test.

synthetic urine brands

Best Synthetic Urine Brands 2020

The conclusion of my synthetic urine review is to avoid cheap brands, always be prepared and invest some extra money on quality products.

The best synthetic urine brands (that don’t contain biocide) are:

  1. Clear Choice Quick Luck Synthetic Urine
  2. Clear Choice Sub Solution
  3. Quick Fix 6.2
  4. Monkey Whizz Synthetic urine
  1. Quick Luck review

If you’re looking for the ultimate in synthetic urine products then Quick Luck is the new kid on the block that’s blasting everyone else out of the water, even its sister product Sub Solution.

It’s premixed, the most complex formula you can buy, and you get heatpads alongside the amazing heat activator powder I talked about a little while ago. It’s not cheap, the most expensive product on the market, one bottle costs $100, but if you want to stand the absolute best chance of passing any complexity of drug test, then Quick Luck is the product to go for.

  1. Sub Solution Review

Until Clear Choice upgraded the formula and made it premixed, Sub Solution is definitely the best brand to buy. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still far better than anything else out there apart from Quick Luck. A really complex formula, heat activator powder, it’s just brilliant. But it isn’t premixed, which makes it tough to use for on the spot drug testing. Apart from that downside though, at $20 cheaper than Quick Luck, it’s perfectly good enough for any type basic drug test.

  1. Quick Fix Review

Moving down the quality levels significantly, the best of the budget brands is Quick Fix. It’s not particularly complex, but it does contain the basics you need to pass a drug test. But it’s limited by what’s in it, and if it’s a complex drug test, one of those more advanced ones that’s used for some better-paid jobs or legal reasons, then it might not be good enough.

But at half the price of Sub Solution, if it’s just a basic pre-employment drug test, then Quick Fix is good enough. You get a high-quality heatpad, but you will have to use a microwave to get the temperature exactly right.

synthetic urine brands

  1. Monkey Whizz Review

The fourth recommended fake urine product is Monkey Whizz. Actually, it’s not Monkey Whizz, as the basic fake urine product is called Monkey Flask. But everyone seems to call the group of urine products they sell “Monkey Whizz”. Monkey “Whizz is actually urinator belt product they sell.

But whichever one you choose, and the Monkey Flask is very similar to Quick Fix, you’re getting a very basic formula. However, just like Quick Fix, it will be good enough to pass a basic drug test. In fact, some people say it looks slightly more realistic than Quick Fix. But realistically, there’s not very much difference between either of these budget choices in terms of complexity or price.

My advice is to always order it online and order it in time; buying detox products and generally buying anything online is usually cheaper, not to mention the available promos and coupon deals that can lower the price even more.

I highly suggest this webshop. All the best brands are available and they always run some promos.

If you have a job interview and you have a strong feeling that they will accept you, then it’s better if you order the synthetic urine straight away. Shipping might take a few days, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Basically guys, don’t get caught out. With the shelf life lasting a year on these things, if you’re starting to look for a new job, or you’ve got a job where you could face an on-the-job drug test, then just by yourself one of the recommended brands of synthetic urine and then you won’t have to worry about it anymore.

Best synthetic urine brands